That´s the Million Dollar question. Is it for you? For me it is for sure. So, it has been over 3 years since I wrote something here. It is not a surprise for myself, because I´m not a writer. Actually, I think no one is so bad writer as I am. Okay, I can write this story about myself, but, if I had to write every day something, it would be a disaster. Or, a blank page.
Okay, it looks like this started be some kind of bio or a partly memoir:). Actually, I cut the bio section from here and will tell my story in several posts.
The biggest reason for the silence is – actually there is not just one reason. Totally 3, I can think, but not all of them happened at the same time. More about these reasons on the About Me page.
So, now it is already year 2022, and I did not finish this post on time. The reason is my health issues, which started to escalate on 2021, so I need to post a new blog about the year 2022. If you are interested in my health issues or my story, please stay tuned.
But, just a friendly warning, there will be a ton of content:). I might write about different things about Internet Marketing as a side note on those coming posts.